fter the great success of The First Ever R.O.C. Kosmos in June of 2024, at Kalamaki Nautical Club, in Athens Greece and the high demand from Coaches, Sailors and Parents to repeat it, the Organizers of The Regatta of Champions – The R.O.C. announce the expansion of The R.O.C. Kosmos Project with the objective to add The R.O.C. Kosmos All American (N. & S. American together), as well as The R.O.C. Kosmos Asian/Oceanian.
The All American event would take place in America, and it is our goal to switch every year between a venue in North and South America and will allow the participation of max 260 Optimist Sailors. To control the entries of each country, a Nations Ranking will be used. To keep the event at a high level of performance, sailors would be asked to present proof of their National Ranking.
The Asian/Oceanian could take place in any country & club of the continents and will also be run with the same standards, as The All American. Both Events will be organized based on The R.O.C. standards and will give out Invitations for The R.O.C.. Both Events will be OPEN for countries outside the continent, based of participation availability.
The top 10 countries of the Nations Ranking will be permitted for 12 entries each, with sailors being ranked in the top 40 of their National ranking.
The next top 10 countries of the Nations Ranking will be permitted for 9 entries each, with sailors being ranked in the top 30 of their National ranking.
Countries not ranked in the top 20 of the Nations Ranking, but are listed beyond 20, will be permitted for 5 entries each, with sailors being ranked in the top 20 of their National ranking.
Countries not ranked in the top 20 of the Nations Ranking and are not listed at all in it, will be permitted for 2 entries each, with sailors being ranked in the top 5 of their National ranking.
Entries will be accepted using the first come first served method, but at the end the National Ranking of each sailor will be taken under consideration. All entries will be evaluated by our Technical Committee.
The R.O.C. Kosmos All American & Asian/Oceania will be a week-long event with 5 racing days and hopefully 20 races completed, using a lot of The R.O.C. format. Three fleets will be created, 83 each, racing daily, in two different race courses.
All other details will be announced in the Notice of Race, along with the Venue. Possible first occurrence of the Events can be after August 2025 or anytime in 2026.
Although there are some Venues under consideration, any Clubs or Venues interested in hosting The R.O.C. Kosmos All American OR Asian/Oceanian can contact us by:
Email: info@regattaofchampions.com
Mobile: +357 97 777202